Things have been going well between Sharon and I. There was no awkwardness after her phone call. We continued to hang around each other at work. I would always visit her cube in the morning and we would usually go to lunch either just with each other or with a large group. Even if we were in a large group we would always find a way to sit together and everyone would just fade into the backdrop. We were pretty much inseparable. The running joke around the office was if you found one of us, the other one would be there as well. I found another way to spend more time with her. Since Sharon was new to the company, she would have to park in the streets a few blocks from our building. It was November so it would be dark by the time it was time for her to leave. I would always come by when I knew she would be leaving and offer her a ride to her car. So as to not make her feel bad, I would pretend that I was leaving as well and I could drop her on my way out. She never knew that I would actually come back to work to finish up but I didn't want her to walk alone in the dark. I guess some lessons your parents taught you actually stick.
The routine was that I would pretend to pack up and happen to pass by her cube, as she was getting ready to leave. I had her schedule down to the exact minute. Sometimes I got the feeling that she was waiting for me and that she would be conveniently waiting at the exact time. I would stop by and ask her if she wanted a ride and the answer was always yes. We would walk to the elevators, which would take us to the parking levels. I would always open her door for her. We would drive to her car and I would park next to it. We would sit and talk for a while. Time seemed to stand still when we were together. We would talk and before you knew it, a few hours had gone by.
This went on for a while and it was a week before Thanksgiving. I felt like something was going on between us. It was kind of unspoken, but I believe that she felt it as well. It was in the way we looked at each other when our eyes would meet, or the way we spoke to each other. Whenever it was time to say goodbye, we would linger and it seemed that neither of us wanted to go. It was Friday and we were heading to the elevator for the ride to her car. My hand accidentally brushed against hers and I made some comment on what it would be like to hold her hand. She grabbed my hand, squeezed it and said that I didn't have to wonder anymore. It was quiet as we drove to her car. I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach. I didn't know why this was happening. We parked beside her car and began to talk. She told me she couldn't stay too long as she had a date. Somehow, we leaned close to each other and our eyes met. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to jump out of my chest. We began to kiss. All of those emotions from waiting just seemed to explode. Somehow a few minutes turned into a few hours. We didn't notice how much time had past, but when we did, she had to leave for her date. I was thinking that this was going to get complicated.